We currently follow the ‘Come and See’ programme in school.
Our Aims in the teaching of Religious Education are:
To present engagingly a comprehensive content which is the basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith;
To enable pupils continually to deepen their religious and theological understanding and be able to communicate this effectively;
To present an authentic vision of the Church’s moral and social teaching so that pupils can make a critique of the underlying trends in contemporary culture and society;
To raise pupils’ awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them;
To develop the critical faculties of pupils so that they can relate their Catholic faith to daily life;
To stimulate pupils’ imagination and provoke a desire for personal meaning as revealed in the truth of the Catholic faith;
To enable pupils to relate the knowledge gained through Religious Education to their understanding of other subjects in the curriculum;
To bring clarity to the relationship between faith and life, and between faith and culture;
Collective Worship
As a Catholic primary school collective worship plays a fundamental part of daily school life and enables us all to join together as one in prayer and worship. Collective worship happens daily through:
Hymn Practice
Every Wednesday the whole school gathers together to sing songs of praise to God and practice hymns and songs that we use for our Collective Worship and for Mass.
Child Led Liturgy
Each week, different children in each class prepare and lead their class in worship. In Key Stage one the children are guided by adults to prepare for this. In Key Stage 2 the children independently plan their own worship.
Teacher Led Liturgy
Teachers plan a weekly worship for their class to allow time for reflection and prayer based on a religious theme.
Celebration Collective Worship
Every Friday afternoon, the whole school community comes together for a time of collective worship. We also celebrate the achievements of the school , recognizing and celebrating our achievements.
Throughout the year we have the joy of celebrating the Sacrament of the Eucharist in St Mark's Church. Children help to prepare and lead the Mass through writing Bidding Prayers, reading and bringing up the gifts during Mass. Parents and carers are invited to join us for Mass.
Throughout the year, to mark important events in the Church’s liturgical year, we hold special Liturgies such as Penitential services during Advent and Lent.
Growing Closer to God
In its simplest form, prayer is defined as “talking to God.” It is a personal time of opening our hearts to our Heavenly Father and bringing everything in our hearts to Him. Through the Apostle Paul, God asked us to pray. Prayer can be a powerful force for change in our lives, and the importance of doing it on a daily basis should be instilled in our children.
Communication is the foundation for success in any relationship. When we communicate openly and freely with each other, we learn to know each other as individuals. This principle also applies to our relationship with God. By talking to God, we can learn more about who He is and what plan He has for us.
Prayer Has a Purpose
It is important that our children understand that there is a purpose to prayer. Jesus frequently prayed during His life on Earth. He had a reason for doing so. Our prayers are something that God deeply desires. But our prayers are not for His benefit; as a perfect Divine Being, God is complete in His power and knowledge.
Children are encouraged to pray in different ways according to their age and personal development. The most important aspect of prayer for children is that they realise it is their way of communicating with God and is first and foremost a personal occasion.
Our R.E. curriculum offers progression for children as they move through the school.
Children are introduced to a variety of different ways of praying:
quiet reflection / meditation
praying together
writing own prayers
prayers through music
learning traditional Christian / Catholic prayers
Prayer journaling
Please see our school Prayer Book and Prayers for our children to know.
From the academic year 2020/21, Relationships Education and Health Education became statutory in all primary schools in England. This new subject will build on the non-statutory lessons we have previously taught in RSE.
In the academic year 2020-21 we researched various programmes that were available and decided to adopt Life to the Full by Ten Ten Resources. Ten Ten is an award-winning Catholic educational organisation that is well-respected and very experienced in this field of work. Life to the Full has been approved by our Diocese.
Furthermore, Ten Ten have entered into a partnership with the Catholic Education Service and the Department for Education to provide training for teachers in Catholic schools on the subject of the new statutory curriculum. Therefore, we are confident that this programme is a very good fit for our school.
Following consultation with parents & carers, in June 2021, Life to The Full has been used to teacher RSE across the school.
As a Catholic school, our mission is to support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all of our pupils, rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Church. The education of children in human sexuality is an important, precious and privileged responsibility. The Church teaches us that this is very much a partnership with parents, in which parents are the ‘first educators’ of their children on these matters; ultimately, you confer on us the right to co-educate your children with you.
Through their programme, Ten Ten understand the foundational role that parents have in educating and nurturing their children on these matters. Within the programme, they have built in resources which will not only keep you informed about what is being taught in school, but will also give you the opportunity to engage your children in discussion, activity and prayer.
Ten Ten have provide an Online Parent Portal which parents & carers can use throughout the year to keep you informed and updated about the work we are doing in school.
School Login: St-marks-ne5
School Password: mark-5
During Year 4, our children are given the opportunity to make the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
This is a major part in the life of a Catholic. Though no one can replace the role of the parent/carer in preparing your child for this special moment, you are not alone in this task.
We follow the Diocesan Sacramental Preparation Programme. This programme involves home, parish and school.
The parish and school will always be ready to help and support. Our school, in its Religious Education lessons, will teach your child about Jesus, the Church, the Sacraments and especially about Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
St Mark’s work very closely with our families, Fr Damian and Fr Paul to prepare the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the First Holy Communion celebration. The preparation of our children for these sacraments is an important time in the life of every school and Parish. It presents a special opportunity for developing their relationship with God, each other and society.
You will know that your child is ready to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation when in their own way they:
Know that God loves them and is always ready to forgive no matter what;
Know and understand what is meant by sin;
Are able to reflect on their own behaviour;
They want to express sorrow and to make amends;
And appreciate the place and importance of Reconciliation.
You will know that your child is ready to make their First Holy Communion when in their own way they:
Know about Jesus, they pray to him want to receive Communion with him and his church;
Show reverence and respect;
Know the difference between Holy Communion and ordinary food;
Be attentive and aware of what is happening during Mass;
Have some sense of belonging to the parish family.
If you have questions around First Holy Communion and Reconciliation, please contact our School Office
In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year “Pilgrims of Hope”, 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. He asks us all to join in a great “symphony” of prayer, “to renew our desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him and to adore him.”
The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer offers us a great opportunity to go back to the basics of prayer.
Our Father,
Who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name;
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
The Year of Prayer focus for the month of October is…. Each class praying the Rosary as part of the Mark 10 Rosary Challenge
Saint Mark is our school patron Saint. His feast day is the 25th April.
Mark lived at the time of Jesus. Although he was not one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, he was a cousin of Saint Barnabas, an apostle.
Mark is called an evangelist because he wrote one of the four gospels. Mark's gospel is short, but it gives many little details that are not in the other gospels.
While still young, Mark went with the two great saints, Paul and Barnabas, as missionaries to bring the teachings of Jesus to Cyprus and other new lands.
Before the journey was over, though, Mark had an argument with Saint Paul and immediately returned to Jerusalem. Paul and Mark later made peace with each other. In fact, Paul wrote from prison in Rome that Mark came to cheer and help him.
Mark also became a beloved disciple and was like a son to Saint Peter, the first pope.
Saint Mark was made a bishop and sent to Alexandria, Egypt. There many people who heard him preach became Christians. He worked hard to spread love for Jesus and his Church and founded the first famous Christian school in Alexandria.
He went through long and painful sufferings before he died a martyr for his faith. Saint Mark's relics were brought to Venice, Italy. He is the patron saint of that famous city. People go to the beautiful basilica of Saint Mark to honour him and to pray to him.
Reflection: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15).
At St Mark’s R.C. Primary School we give regular thought to how values can be used to support the child as a reflective learner and promote quality teaching and learning.
In our society children are increasingly encouraged through advertising to think of happiness as something which can be found simply in the material world. They are generally encouraged to experience life in a world which is external to their inner selves.
As a school community we believe that the ethos of the school should be built on a foundation of values.
The values we focus on are:
These are at times addressed directly through lessons, collective worship and assemblies but also permeate the whole curriculum. Either way, they are the basis for the social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral development of the whole child. We encourage children to consider these values and thereby to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to develop as reflective learners and grow to be stable, educated and civil adults.
St. Mark's Parish is part of the
Episcopal Area: Newcastle and North Tyneside
Mass Times
Saturday vigil mass 4.30 pm
No Sunday Mass
St. Mark's Catholic Church,
Trevelyan Drive,
Newbiggin Lane, Westerhope,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE5 4BT
(0191) 286 0596
Parish Priests
Fr Damian & Fr Paul
The Faith in Action Award is for young people aged 10-18 (Year 6 to Year 13). Young people undertake the award through their school, parish or organisation.
Today, thank God, many young people in parishes, schools, movements often go out to spend time with the elderly and infirm, or to visit poor neighbourhoods, or to meet people's needs through "nights of charity". Very often, they come to realise that there they receive much more than what they give. We grow in wisdom and maturity when we take time to touch the suffering of others. The poor have a hidden wisdom and, with a few simple words, they can help us discover unexpected values.
Pope Francis (Christus Vivit 171)
The CYMFed Faith in Action Award rewards young people's active service in helping to build the Kingdom of God on Earth. Many young people are doing so much to follow Jesus' example in serving others in their schools and parishes. The Faith in Action Award encourages young people to take that service into their wider community and accept greater responsibility for their faith in action.
The programme facilitates an exploration of scripture and Church teaching, with an emphasis on translating this into action. It encourages young people to shine the light of faith upon their experience of service through guided and personal reflection.
The CYMFed Faith in Action Award was launched in 2016.
As a school our Year 5 children will begin the award in the Spring term.
How does it work?
There are four levels of award: Pin, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Participants accrue credits of service in their parish and / or school and the wider community. The Faith in Action Award builds on what young people already experience in serving others, asking them to reflect upon it so that they may find new ways of living out and exploring their faith. There is an opportunity for both guided reflections, through group reflection points and personal reflection, through journaling. At the end of the scheme, participants submit a final piece of work for moderation before being awarded their Faith in Action Award
‘Mini Vinnies’ are children aged between 7 to 11 (or younger) who, with the permission of their parents and the support of our Schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible ‘Vincentians for life’.
As Mini Vinnies, the children have their own ‘treasured’ Prayer, Pledge and Badge, a dedicated website and a range of bright and colourful documents which guide them in their formative steps – helping and enabling them to become in every sense, young Vincentians – or ‘Mini Vinnies’.
In our school, we have a vibrant Mini Vinnies club which meets regularly to follow the example of St Vincent de Paul and help those in need.
The Mini Vinnies are part of the St. Vincent de Paul society which aims to turn concern into action in their community.
The Mini Vinnies begin and end each session with prayer, asking for God’s help with their planned activities such as crafting, creating artwork and visiting local charities. The children also work hard to raise money for various local and International charities.
The Mini Vinnies are very fortunate to have had great support from the Parish with Mr and Mrs Raynor and members of the SVP to help the children with their good work.
The Mini Vinnies prayer focus for this half term has been showing peace to others through prayer. They have focused their time on the Shoebox Appeal which the children prepared a Collective Worship on. They worked hard towards our Harvest Festival and the Coat Amnesty.
Forthcoming activities for the Mini Vinnies include spending time in reflective prayer during Advent and Lent, visiting the church to walk the stations of the cross, and making Christmas cards for the sick in our parish.
They are also making ribbons and having cake sales to raise money for Benji's appeal-to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Charities at home and abroad.
Our focus, after Christmas, will be on the Year of the Word -it is God who speaks. We will be collecting books.
'When I am attend Mini Vinnies ,I am trying to make a difference for charities’
'It feels a big responsibility to be able to care for others’
'We try to make our school a better place’
'Mini Vinnies strengthens my friendship with God’
For more information about Mini Vinnies click on the website image below.