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At St Marks Primary we teach Physical Education (P.E) to allow pupils to be involved in a range of sports to help foster a healthy and active lifestyle. We place great importance on ensuring our pupils have a multitude of opportunities during their school day to be active and educate pupils on the importance of staying active. Pupils learn a variety of sporting techniques and skill sets whilst also building upon fundamental social skills such as working as a team, fairness and respect. Through their time in school, pupils will develop their competence in a range of physical activities and have opportunities to engage in a variety of competitive sports. We want all pupils to have positive and motivating experiences throughout their PE sessions.


Early Years: Physical Education is woven throughout the day in both Nursery and Reception. We aim to develop pupils’ gross motor skills to set the foundations for pupils to lead active and healthy lives. Pupils are able to play both indoors and outdoors during their day which provides opportunities to develop their core strength, stability, balance, special awareness, co-ordination and agility.

By the end of reception, pupils should:

  • Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with

  • Consideration for themselves and others.

  • Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination

  • When playing.

  • Move energetically, such as running, jumping,

  • Dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.

KS1 & 2: PE is delivered in two sessions a week to allow a range of sports to explored across the school year. One of the sessions are led by specialist coaches which rotate throughout the year and our other session is taught by class teachers. Our specialist coaches help to expand class teachers’ understanding of each sport which is then used to ensure teacher led lessons are continuing to grow pupils knowledge and is tailored to their current progress. Children in Key Stage 2 also take part in swimming sessions at the local pool to help develop their confidence in the water and their swimming abilities. They will be aiming to learn how to swim 25 metres competently and confidently using a range of strokes. Afterschool clubs dedicated to a variety of sports are also offered throughout the year, allowing pupils to further develop their passion for sports.

Whole School: Throughout the school we encourage pupils to engage in physical activity during breaks and lunch. Being physically active is linked to significant improvements in pupils’ mental wellbeing which furthers our drive to provide pupils with a range of opportunities to get involved in physical movement. We have a range of equipment for pupils to explore during their time outside; KS1 pupils are able to use the trim trail and KS2 pupils are able to try out the fitness equipment and larger trim trail. Both Key Stages also have access to a range of PE equipment including balls, bats and skipping ropes to further encourage pupils to be involved in games and activity during their break either with their peers or independently.


Through   our PE curriculum, we want to support our pupils to develop a passion for   sport and guide them towards leading healthy lifestyles. Our PE sessions   ensure all pupils have equal access to the skills and knowledge taught   throughout the curriculum and inspire pupils to further their interest   through afterschool clubs. Lessons are carefully planned to ensure pupils are   continually challenged so that they are always progressing their knowledge   and skills as they advance through St Mark’s.

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