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At St Marks Primary School we teach Personal Social Health Economic Education (PSHE) to support pupil’s personal development and well-being so that they can achieve their potential as healthy, happy and confident adults in the future, with ambition to learn and grow. We teach PSHE as part of the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural programme within the school using our RSHE curriculum alongside a bespoke curriculum following the National Curriculum and the Programme of Study in PSHE. We focus on the following areas:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional health

  • Citizenship

  • Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco education

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Healthy Living and Eating

  • Physical health and well-being

  • Mental Well-being

  • Economic Well-being

Through our balanced curriculum, discreet teaching and trusting and supportive relationships we hope to achieve the following aims for our pupils:

  1. For each child to feel valued, supported and loved as a member of St Mark’s school and to recognise themselves as an individual with opinions and rights.

  2. For each child to know, value and have healthy and fulfilling relationships with themselves, with one another, with the staff in school and with the wider community.

  3. For our children to have the life skills needed to be healthy, physical and active.

  4. For our children to have the life skills needed to understand their own and others emotions, to be able to know where to seek help and to know how to support their mental and emotional well-being.

  5. For our children to feel like they can make a difference and a contribution to their school, their community and to the wider world.

  6. For our children to have ambition and drive, to set themselves targets and challenges, and to be confident in their growing abilities.

  7. For our children to understand the role they can play in society when it comes to jobs, money, charity and behaviour.

  8. For our children to be able to share their opinions and values, and make informed decisions based on these.

  9. For our children to be given the necessary skills and information to make choices.

  10. For our children to be responsible for their own teaching and learning.


Early Years: Our Early years curriculum is taught through play, a well thought out and planned environment, adult led activities and interest/ child-initiated activities, as well as building trusting and supportive relationships with our children. We focus on the following three skills:

  • Self-regulation

  • Managing Self

  • Building Relationships

KS1 & 2: Our Curriculum is split into two parts- RSHE studies and PSHE studies. Through both studies we focus on the three main themes set out below:

  • Health and Well-being

  • Relationships

  • Living in the Wider World

This can be taught as explicit teaching time when the curriculum lends itself to the activity, such as Healthy Eating during a science activity about the body. It must be noted that PSHE is taught discreetly throughout a regular day at times such as lunch times, morning routines, nurture, after school clubs, whole school assemblies, collective worship and when the school day lends itself.

Each class follows the Ten:Ten programme of study for RSHE studies which includes videos, stories, drama, reflection sessions, collective assembly, literacy, Science, Geography and History.

Our PSHE studies follow the Programme of Study for PSHE. Each class will focus on activities such as First Aid, Medication, Relationships, Fire safety, Sun safety, water safety, economics and money. This will be timetabled into a class’s routine half termly.

Children in KS2 are taught Sex and Relationships education through our Ten:Ten programme.

Whole School: St Mark’s is passionate about being part of a wider community, so we encourage our families to take part in the following yearly PSHE focussed celebrations:

  • Harvest Festival

  • Black History Month

  • Anti-bullying week

  • Mental Health Awareness Week

  • International Women’s Day

  • Clean Air Week

  • Dream Job Day


We assess our children’s skills and knowledge through an end of year questionnaire- this is for their personal development, to see their own progress, to recognise their growth and understanding, as well as improving their knowledge and PSHE skill set.

Each class has a Floor Book so that the children can record special activities, celebrations, and moments of significance. This is a chance for the children to reflect on their school year in a mindful way.

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